What your employee does in his private life CAN influence what happens at work!
It is against the law to be high at work. It is illegal to do anything that will threaten the physical wellbeing of an individual or material property. No one should be permitted to do this at work as the potential impact on an employer is devastating.
HSP Group SA will conduct Drug & Alcohol (D&A) screening to be carried out on your site. All we require is that you have a robust policy in place. HSP can provide a full chain of custody screening service.
- Help with Policy writing.
- On-site Drug & Alcohol Screening by independent specialists.
- Scheduled Basis – regular intervals, and programmes.
- Random Basis– Usually management knows of testing, but random or all staff are selected for testing.
- For cause – when there is a problem on site, testing at our referral centres or we will come on site, if there is a practitioner immediately available on call out.
- Help with own staff administering workplace D&A screening.
- Training (Both Initial and Refresher).
- Provision of the D&A testing kits & equipment.
- Back-up for positive results and provision of Laboratory confirmation and assistance with rehab referrals.
Contact us on info@hspgroup.co.za or 0861 873 477 for a quote or more information.
Watch our blogs on more about Drug and Alcohol in the workplace!
Future topics will include:
- Policy: Developing or Improving an Alcohol & Drug Policy.
- Understanding Substance Abuse.
- What is a drug? Most Commonly Abused Substances.
- How to spot substance abuse through Employee Behaviour?
- Blood Alcohol Levels & Signs of impairment.
- Practical ways of improving your drug testing programme.
- Measures to assist in the prevention and control of substance abuse through good employment practices.
- Assistance, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programmes.