Whether an employee is handling heavy machinery or filing spreadsheets on a computer, clear vision in conjunction with eye care is necessary to get the job done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Protect your eyes by using the correct PPE

• Wear eyewear properly and tinted (if required) for the particular job you are working at
• Wear eye protection when working with power tools (grinding or welding) and chemicals
• Keep your eye protection clean
• Watch out for falling or flying objects that can go into the eyes.

For lots of us our job requires us to sit at a desk and stare at a computer most of the day during the traditional five-day workweekThe sedentary workplace takes a toll not only on a person’s overall body, but specifically on their eyesight and vision health.

Tips to Ease eye strain

• Limit screen time on cellphones, computers, TV, tablets.

• Adopt a good posture at the computer. Straighten up: Adjust your chair so that your legs are at a right angle with your knees and arms near your sides. Your shoulders and neck should be relaxed, with your back supported and wrists slightly pointed down.

• Face forward: Have your computer screen and keyword directly in front of your face, not off to the side. For double screen users, do not use the side screen as your primary screen of choice. Sit at arm’s length from the computer screen
• Avoid glares and reflections

• Adjust your display setting to help reduce eye strain and fatigue

• Take breaks from you screen by using the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from the screen every 20minutes for 20secounds and focus on objects 20 feet away.

• Eyes ahead: Keep your computer screen positioned at your focal length so you can focus easily. This may include raising your computer on a platform to ensure that you are not constantly looking downward or upward, but rather straight forward.

• Organize your space: Arrange the documents in your vicinity around your computer so you can see them easily, rather than having to bend or twist to read or focus.

Why should vision screening be conducted in the workplace?

Good vision is necessary for most jobs, it is a key requirement for most employees to have good vision in order to effectively perform their daily tasks.

Drivers and forklift drivers need to undergo vision screening as their vision acuity is of utmost importance in their jobs and is also a requirement for PDP licences (Public Drivers Permit).

What we offer:

  • Snellen testing (basic test for distant vision only):

This is by means of using a traditional “Snellen eye chart”.
The outcome is a result of distant vision in left, right and both eyes.

  • Advanced vision screening (For PDP driver’s license)

This is by means of progressive testing with advanced, electronic Vision Screeners.

The outcome includes:
Visual acuity (both eyes individually and together),

    • color blindness,
    • peripheral vision,
    • depth perception and
    • glare recovery.

This testing is trusted by occupational health professionals to evaluate employee visual fitness of all levels of employment.

When to your vision screening done?

If your vision acuity is a prerequisite for your job, it is important to undergo a vision screening.

How long does it take?

The process typically takes 15-20 minutes per person.

Vision screening is offered by our professional team, on-site or at any of our referral clinics.

Our Occupational Medical Surveillance Testing and reporting offer a wide variety of both legally mandatory assessments for the entire workforce.

We provide your company with comprehensive feedback, detailed reports, on going assistance, recommendations and follow-up on various levels needed.

Contact us today to book your medical testing on 0861 873 477 or info@hspgroup.co.za