Why should one’s vision be tested?

Good vision is necessary for most jobs, it is a key requirement for most employees to have good vision in order to effectively perform their daily tasks.

What we offer:
We offer two different types of vision screening testing within industry.

1.Snellen testing (basic test for distant vision only):
This is by means of using a traditional “Snellen eye chart”.

The outcome is a result of distant vision in left, right and both eyes.

2.Keystone vision screening
This is by means of progressive testing with advanced, electronic Vision Screeners.

The outcome includes:
Visual acuity (both eyes individually and together),
◾colour blindness,
◾peripheral vision,
◾depth perception and
◾glare recovery.

The professionals at HSP Group use these examinations to evaluate an employee’s visual fitness of all levels of employment.

When should one’s vision be tested?
If your vision acuity is a prequisite for your job,it is important to undergo a vision screening.Drivers and forklift drivers need to undergo vision screening as their vision acuity is of utmost importance in their jobs.

How long does it take?
The process typically takes 15-20 minutes per person

What is Medical Surveillance?

Medical Surveilance is establishing a health starting point, to ensure job specific fitness and ongoing testing to identify early signs of work-related ill health, in exposed employees so that preventative actions can be taken.

Medical Surveillance includes:
•Pre-employment medical
•Periodic medical
•Exit Medical
•Red ticket medical
•Executive medical
•Return to work assessments
•Work placement medicals
•Special medicals

Our Occupational Medical Surveillance Testing and reporting offer a wide variety of both legally mandatory assessments for the entire workforce.

We provide your company with comprehensive feedback, detailed reports, on going assistance, recommendations and follow-up on various levels needed.

Contact us today to book your medical testing on 0861 873 477 or info@hspgroup.co.za