As per the Construction Regulations of 2014, it is vital for all construction companies to complete an Annexure 3 before sending their employees for their certificates of fitness.

Regulation 7(8) of the Construction Regulations states: “A contractor must ensure that all his or her employees have a valid medical certificate of fitness specific to the construction work to be performed and issued by an occupational health practitioner in the form of Annexure 3”.

The intention of the Annexure 3 form is to ensure that a worker is fit to work, based on the tasks expected to be performed, the exposure that might be encountered on-site and the personal protective equipment required.

The information on the document needs to be completed before the medical is done in order for the medical practitioners to determine what route to take with the testing procedure.

The minister of Labour has under section 43 of the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 85 OF 1993, after consulting with the advisory council of Occupational health and safety, made the regulations in the schedule.

Download Annexure 3

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Contact us for any further queries or to book your medical either on-site or at any of our referral centres: 0861 873 477 or