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Signs of emotional harm among employees

Emotional harm may manifest itself in various ways. Employee presents with self-neglect. Lacking capacity of emotionally, physically, and psychologically taking care of themselves. Sudden poor work performance. Employee will indicate that they are unable to [...]

Signs of emotional harm among employees2023-01-12T14:24:27+02:00

Workplace mental health and wellness (post COVID-19 world)

During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, many employees have been thrust into isolation and loneliness and have had to endure grief at the loss of friends and loved ones. They have experienced general anxiety about the [...]

Workplace mental health and wellness (post COVID-19 world)2023-01-12T14:24:35+02:00

Important reasons to take your multivitamin

Multivitamin contribute to, Healthy aging As we age, our nutritional needs increase and our bodies don’t absorb the nutrients the way it should. Healthy heart Taking a multivitamin may reduce your risk for cardiovascular diseases. [...]

Important reasons to take your multivitamin2021-02-09T10:30:07+02:00

HSP Group on-site primary health care clinics, a cut above the rest

Our on-site primary health care clinics, focus on providing your company with ongoing health care and medical treatment for your employees no matter what industry you are in. We empower employers by offering medical surveillance, [...]

HSP Group on-site primary health care clinics, a cut above the rest2023-01-12T14:24:36+02:00
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